Friday, November 6, 2009

La Rochelle

October 23-25, 2009 - La Rochelle Weekend

Rema's aforementioned french boyfriend (the one who brings stinky cheese to my house) kindly invited us to go to his hometown for the weekend; the coastal town of la Rochelle. Ironically, in high school we had to do a french project on a french city and I was assigned to la Rochelle...who would've known that one day I would be freezing my buns off and soaking wet due to the simple fact the the ocean is literally "in the air" right on la Rochelle's very own beaches!

There were TONS of seashells! I was going nuts.

PS Rema is deathly allergic to shellfish. Therefore this photo: hardly funny...due to the fact that I would have to be the one to inject her emergency EpiPen OMG...

We went to the biggest aquarium in Europe: SO fun!

More seascapes...

The bridge to l’Ile de Ré, an island in the Atlantic Ocean right off the coast of La Rochelle.

On the island, the weather was beautiful and sunny (and dry, lacking all that wonderful ocean air)...I loved being in nature again! Paris is pretty but it's not exactly natural (ie manicured forests, really?)

If anyone can identify this creature that does not have any sort of skeleton, tentacles, or substance other than gush (eww), let me know!

Hello Slug! He was about the size of my head! (and squishy, we tested)

Au revoir La Rochelle!

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