Monday, January 18, 2010

How 'Bout a Lil' Bubbly?

December 28, 2009 - Reims, Champagne

A daytrip to Champagne...*sigh* I had visions of dirt roads, little dusty mom and pop cafes, and maybe a vineyard or two.
A daytrip to Champagne in the 21st Century... *shocked gasp* A modern city with Pizza Hut, Phone House, and definitely a freeway or two.

Hmmm, okay so not exactly what I had envisioned; for whatever reason I apparently thought the TGV was not only my means of transportation but also some sort of time travel device.

Once in the city, the sun had risen and I had eaten a nasty curry-flavored quiche (why curry?!) for breakfast, I went straight to the Notre Dame of Reims. It. was. HUGE. and old and beautiful, of course.

Now, I was SO proud to have our entire day all researched and planned. I found activities, prices, hours, directions etc all before leaving Paris. I wrote all of this essential information on my handy yellow paper...that then proceeded to get destroyed by the rain-soaked umbrella in my purse. I failed to plan for that tiny detail.

Anyways...a little street that looks old fashioned-enough to sort of meet my expectations!

Did I go Champagne tasting? Well, of course! Twice! First, toured Charles de Cazanove, a more industrialized "cave" where the champagne is made in big metal vats.
 This tour was so to taste 3 types of champagne by the glass.

Next, I headed to the uber-touristy caves of Pommery. This tour was much more glamorous (and expensive) and the caves were really beautiful, but I'm so glad I did both because I learned so much more at the first one! And, I only got one glass here!

Entrance to the caves and bottle racks...

A massive French flag hanging in the cave...

After a dinner of a Kebab sandwich, I walked by this shop! Ganesha in France!! A little love for P-Town!

The cathedral at night was even more impressive!

So if you are ever in Paris, Reims is a great little day trip, and it's only about 45 minutes away by TGV (French High Speed Train). I had a great day exploring a new place that I knew anything about! And once you get over the fact that they drive cars and not horse and carriages (what was I thinking?!) can be quite charming!


  1. wow girl! With all those stairs its no wonder you only got one glass! haha!

    AND I love the Ganesha love! What kind of shop is that place?


  2. Yes. Don't drink and stair.


  3. My FAMILY just thinks they are soooo funny!! Well, you are, darn it!! :)

    And Hill, that shop was some sort of Indian Goods type place...When I bought my flight to Paris last summer I had to call the website...etc...the guy on the phone told me that Ganesha is also the name of a Hindu goddess and is actually pronounced "ga-neh-sha" not "ga-nee-sha" Haha, weird. LOVE you too! xoxo

  4. Natalie Irwin!! I literally gasped out loud when I saw your comment on my blog. How in the world did you find it??!! How are you? I have all kinds of warm fuzzy memories swirling around in me right now, but you are like 12 years old in all of them :). And now you are this beautiful 21 year old! I would really love to catch up a little bit. Will you send me your email address? Or you can email me at:
